Posts by Ji Eun Ko
How Couples Therapy can Strengthen your Relationship

When people hear couple’s therapy, they usually assume that it’s for couples experiencing extreme hardship. But all relationships are complex, and even the strongest couples can face challenges. No matter what the speed bumps are in your relationship, couples therapy offers a path to not only resolve these challenges but to deepen the emotional connection, trust, and bond between you and your partner.

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How to deal with Anxiety Driven Overthinking

Anxiety and overthinking often go hand in hand. If you’ve ever found yourself stuck in a mental loop of “what ifs,” second guessing your decisions, or imagining worst case scenarios, you’re not alone. Overthinking is a common symptom and reaction to anxiety, and while it can feel overwhelming, there are effective ways to manage it.

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AnxietyJi Eun KoComment
What You Need to Know about Depressive Episodes

Depression is a general term that describes a common mental health experience that can affect anyone, regardless of age, background, or lifestyle. Within the realm of depression, there are specific experiences known as depressive episodes. These episodes can be debilitating, impacting your ability to function in daily life.

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Ji Eun KoComment
Navigating Differences in Sex Drive in Your Relationship

When one partner has a higher sex drive than the other, it can lead to frustration, misunderstanding, or even feelings of rejection, especially as many couples find it difficult to have honest and vulnerable conversations about their sexual relationship. However, with empathy, open communication, and a commitment to find a solution that works for all parties, it’s possible to find fulfillment and relationship satisfaction, even with differing sex drives.

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ADHD: Coping with an Invisible Disability

ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) is an invisible disability, meaning that they often go unnoticed by others. This can lead to misunderstanding, judgment, and internal struggles for those who live with them. For many in the neurodivergent community, navigating the challenges of an invisible disability can feel particularly isolating, given cultural stigmas around mental health and disability. If you live with an invisible disability, what can you do?

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ADHDJi Eun Ko Comment
Advocating for Your ADHD

Living with ADHD can be challenging, and you may have learned through the years how to adapt yourself to meet the expectations of others and society. But instead of changing yourself, advocating for yourself instead is one of the most empowering steps you can take.

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ADHDJi Eun Ko Comment
Your Body and Anxiety

Anxiety is a fairly common term and experience in our day and age. Anxiety can show up in many ways in our lives, like as a brief moment of nervousness before a big presentation, or as a prolonged period of stress during a challenging time. But what really is happening to our bodies when we feel “anxious”? Understanding what happens in your body (and why) during these moments can help you manage anxiety more effectively and respond with greater self compassion.

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TraumaJi Eun Ko Comment
How Depression Affects Executive Functioning

We usually think of Depression in terms of mood - feeling low, feeling sad, feeling ‘blue’. But it’s actually much more impactful than that. One profound affect of Depression that is often easily overlooked is its impact on executive functioning. We’ll learn about what executive functioning is, why it’s important, how Depression can influence it, and what we can do about it.

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TraumaJi Eun Ko Comment
Coping with Dating Anxiety

For many people, the prospect of meeting someone new and potentially forming a romantic connection is thrilling. However, for those who struggle with Dating Anxiety, this excitement can often be overshadowed by fear and apprehension. What are the signs of Dating Anxiety, and what can you do?

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AnxietyJi Eun KoComment
Relational Trauma

Ideally, in our most intimate and important relationships, we would experience support, safety, and comfort. However, that unfortunately is not the case for all of us. When we experience a breach of trust in these important relationships, it can lead to relational trauma.

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Signs of Unprocessed Trauma

Unprocessed trauma can manifest in many different areas of our lives, including our mental, emotional, and physical health, as well as our relationships. Recognizing the signs of unprocessed trauma in your own life can be overwhelming - but it can also be the first step in empowering you to heal and move towards a more balanced life.

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