Ability to Undercut Herself

Normally, she would have deferred to their opinions. Their doubts would've wormed their way through her own intelligence, her own instincts to defend what she knew was right. But she now realized that their power relied on her ability to undercut her

The power dynamics of the culture we live in can play out in our internal landscape, both invisibly and visibly. One of the ways that someone could have internal power and control over another person is by making that person believe they cannot trust their own judgment and opinions. This can happen in interpersonal relationships, as well as in bigger contexts, like in our society and culture. For example, there exist groups of people who benefit from other groups of people always deferring to their judgment and opinions. When you look inward, how much confidence do you find of your own opinions, instincts, and intellect? If you struggle with being confident in your own instincts and opinions, has someone else’s opinions wormed their way in to make that happen? Are there people, or societies, in your life that prefer that you undercut yourself so they can exercise power over you? What would trusting your own instinct, rather than others’, feel like?

If you would like to explore these ideas further in therapy, please contact us to schedule a free consultation.