Catching the Eye


Our connection with ourselves can waiver over time. Sometimes we can feel very closely connected to all parts of our identities. Other times, we can intentionally or subconsciously create a distance from some of our identities. When we experience a disconnect from parts of ourselves, that can be for many different reasons - we don’t like that part of ourselves, that part reminds us of things we want to forget, or the world tells us that part of us ourselves is not welcome. For those of us who live with marginalized identities, we may experience the last one more than we would like. We may even sometimes forget that we live with an identity that is “other” or different, but we also live in a world that constantly remind us of the otherness. Have you ever experienced that? What does that make you feel when you see yourself the way others see you?

If you would like to explore these ideas further in therapy, please contact us to schedule a free consultation.