Relied on Distance from her Mother

In some ways, her success in this country, her independence, relied on this distance from her mother - her poverty, her foreignness, the alienation of her life, the heaviness of her thankless work, the hours and minutes, ignored and even reviled by t

No matter who we are, we are just one in a endless line of previous ancestors who came before us. In some ways, the lives of our ancestors and previous generations have built some aspects of the lives we live today. And yet, there may be times that we feel a necessity to disconnect ourselves from the people who came before us. Maybe because your intergenerational family history is fraught with trauma, pain, and dangers. Or maybe because you feel like the lives you come from is holding you back from pursuing the life that you want. Have you ever experienced this? What were the circumstances that led you to believe that you needed to disconnect from your family line to be well or to succeed? The parts of your ancestors that you are trying to distance yourself from - do similar parts live inside of you?

If you would like to explore these ideas further in therapy, please contact us to schedule a free consultation.