To Feel Valued and Whole

The small Korean house church might have been a haven, the one place where my father felt valued, whole. There, people knew who he was.

For generations, churches have been cultural enclaves for immigrant communities. A place where, regardless of how foreign and different their new home was, immigrants could go to feel comfortable, safe, and culturally known and accepted. If your family has an immigration story, did your family have a cultural safe haven, whether it was a church or somewhere else? A place to go where your immigrant family could relax and feel truly at home? If your family did have one, did you notice any changes in your family when you were in a culturally safe space than when you were in the dominant culture? Reflecting now, what value do you think these havens brought to your family? To you? Do you have a place or person now where you can be to be known for who you really are?

If you would like to explore these ideas further in therapy, please contact us to schedule a free consultation.