Unsettling Questions

Because if you imagine yourself truly alone, islanded off from everybody else, you end up facing, whether you want to or not, a lot of gnarly, unsettling questions. What do you want and why do you want it? What are you doing here? - Chang Rae Lee

In our current digital age, it can be very common not to spend any time alone with our thoughts. Whether it’s TV, podcasts, books, music, Tik Tok, or other forms of social media, even when we are physically alone, we are not often internally alone. We may reach for these distraction tools without even realizing what we are doing - preventing ourselves from having any time to be alone and intentional with our inner world. And for many of us, there’s a good reason for that; time alone with our thoughts may lead to unsettling questions that we may not feel prepared or ready to answer. Is this something you experience? When you look back at your life for the last week, how much time have you spent really alone with yourself? If the answer is lower than you thought, why do you think that is? Would you like that to change? Are there any thoughts, memories, questions that you are working to prevent from seeing daylight?

If you would like to explore these ideas further in therapy, please contact us to schedule a free consultation.