Allow to Trust

It is amazing, isn't it, how easily people hand over the reins to those who presume power. Against their own intuition, they allow themselves to trust those who they feel should not be trusted. Amy Tan in Saving Fish From Drowning

We live in a world full of power structures and power dynamics in many elements in our lives. Whether it’s school, work, family, relationships, the DMV, there are systems of power that we are all participating in. If you are an immigrant or a person of color, there may be additional power dynamics that you experience that those in the dominant culture do not, due to those marginalized intersections of your identity. For Asian Americans, we are also commonly taught to trust, honor, and respect those in positions of power. And sometimes, that teaching can conflict with an inner voice that tells us that particular individuals should not be trusted. Have you ever encountered that? And have you ever actively quietened the voice that tells you they cannot be trusted, and handed over the reins to someone who has power? What happens to your intuition when it conflicts with what society is expecting, and your family has taught you to do?

If you would like to explore these ideas further in therapy, please contact us to schedule a free consultation.