Family Measured by Who I Become

"I know that I have to stay strong for my family. If I break, my family will shatter. Our family is measured by who I become." Lac Su in I Love Yous are for White People

Many Asian American families are intergenerationally influenced. For example, you may have grown up in an intergenerational household with your praents and grandparents, or your grandparents and other generations of your family may have been very involved in your upbringing. These important intergenerational relationships can also mean that your actions and decisions can greatly influence other generations of your family, as they have influenced you. Have you ever felt that your own journey and life were reflective of your entire family? That if you fail, your family fails, and if you succeed, your family succeeds? Have you ever felt that your own family is measured by who you become? If so, how did you come to learn that? How was that communicated to you? And what is it like to live with that responsibility?

If you would like to explore these ideas further in therapy, please contact us to schedule a free consultation.