Unquenchable Persistent Sadness

they persisted in a kind of silent pragmatism that reflected both gratitude for what they had now and an unquenchable persistent sadness that manifested itself differently in each person. Nancy Jooyoun Kim in the Last Story of Mina Lee

Intergenerational traumas aren’t always limited to immediate family systems. They can also be traumas that an entire society endured together that persistently is passed down to future generations of that community. Reflect on your country’s history - are there any traumatic events that your country went through? If you identify as an Asian American, chances are that the answer is yes: war, imperialism, colonialism, famine, lack of resources. Do you see an unquenchable persistent sadness in members of your family? In yourself? How could those historical scars of your country be connected to that sadness?

If you would like to explore these ideas further in therapy, please contact us to schedule a free consultation.